Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Toned and Tight Tuesday: Squat with Side Kick

I feel like I've been really trying to focus on my lower half here lately just because it doesn't seem to be changing as quickly as my upper half. (Don't you hate that?!)
So I've started incorporating exercises to really work my hamstrings, quads, calves, outter thighs, inner thighs and butt. Luckily, this exercise hits the majority of those muscles, plus it gets in some core work as well!

Squat with Side Kick

Start in a squat position. You should have a 90 degree angle at your knees, thighs parallel to the floor, back straight, knees behind your toes, and arms up like you are about to fight! Your weight should be in your heels. (You will notice how my toes are slightly lifted off the ground just to make sure all my weight is shifted back in my heels.)

You will then push up out of the squat onto one leg and raise your right leg out to the side like you are a dog about to do your business on a hydrant. ;) (Hey, it was the best analogy I could think of!)
You will hold your leg in the bent position for just a second to catch your balance.

Then extend your leg out to the right into a full kick.

Bring your leg back down and squat down back into the starting position. That is one rep. Aim for 15-20 reps.
You are definitely going to feel this one in your quads, hamstrings, and outter thighs. You know those "saddle bags" that us women tend to sometimes get as we get older? This is the perfect exercise to really work those muscles on the outter thighs and butt to keep those saddle bags away!

This isn't about doing it really fast or super hard. It's about controlling your movement and maintaing good form. Balancing yourself when you come up onto one leg will help engage your core.

So get to it and save the saddle bags for the horse! :)
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