Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Toned and Tight Tuesday: Pendulum Lunges with Bicep Curl

The old days of doing boring isolation exercises are gone! Compound exercises are where it's at! I love compound exercises because it's like getting a two for one deal! You maximize your workout by getting two exercises done in the time it takes to do one! What's not to love?!

In this exercise, by adding in the bicep curl as you lunge forward, you are also working your arms in addition to your legs, abs, and glutes you work with the traditional lunge! Of course there is a lot more going on than in an isolation exercise so just be sure to stay focused and maintain good form!

This exercise is called a pendulum lunge because you will going in a forward and back motion, like a pendulum! Remember to not hesitate or rest on your knee as you are doing this exercise...keep it moving just as a pendulum does!

For this exercise you will need some hand weights.. I am using a 5 pound weight in each hand.

Start this exercise standing up straight with your hands to your side and arms turned so that your palms are facing forward.

Lunge forward with your left foot, keeping your back straight. As you are lunging, lift the weights up towards your shoulders as you would with a normal bicep curl until your forearm is almost vertical. (In this picture, I did not do a full curl. You will want to follow through with the curl until the weights are up near your shoulders.) Do not let your elbows flare out...keep them tucked at your sides. Touch your knee to the ground, or as close as possible, making sure to keep a 90 degree angle at both knees.

As soon as you touch the ground, push back up to the starting position, uncurling your arms so they are back down at your sides. Remember, KEEP MOVING!

Then you will step back with the same leg you stepped forward with (in this case your left leg) to a reverse lunge. Remembering to keep your back straight and keeping those 90 degree angles at your knees. Repeat just as you did with the forward lunge. Lift the weights to your shoulders, keep your elbows at your side, touch your knee to the ground and push back up to the starting position.

 So your are first lunging forward, back up, and then lunging to the back, all with the same leg...that equals one rep! Aim to do 15-20 reps. Repeat this with the opposite leg, 15-20 reps as well!

You will definitely start to feel this one after only a few reps but keep going and get through all your reps! You'll be glad you did! :)

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