Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Diet Food Hype

I did it. I'm embarrassed. I'm upset with myself...

I fell into the diet food trap.

I was always the one who sat and watched people eat 100 calorie snack packs, them thinking they were actually making a better choice because they are "only 100 calories," meanwhile they were eating 3 and 4 packs at a time. Or taking the Laughing Cow cheese triangles and eating almost the whole wheel because "they're only 35 calories each." I pitied these people and wished they would realize that they weren't doing themselves any favors by abusing diet foods.

Now I didn't start eating multiple packs of 100 calorie snacks or whole cheese wheels, but I did start replacing whole foods, such as vegetables and fruit, with "skinny, healthy" yet highly processed foods.

I want to partly blame this on my decision to start couponing again. One of the major concerns of healthy eaters who use coupons, is that there aren't many coupons for healthy foods. Most of the coupons are for processed, frozen, or canned items. You will almost never see a coupon for vegetables, fruits, or meats. But once I started couponing again, I noticed some great deals on things like Special K bars, Skinny Cow candy, etc. So I decided to give these items a try. I thought some of these things might help with cravings for fattier, higher calorie choices. This theory could work, if done the right way. Unfortunately, I didn't do it the right way.

For example, instead of some of my healthier breakfasts options, like fresh pineapple with Greek yogurt or half a grapefruit and a slice of toast, I started to just grab one of those "healthy" meal replacement bars and totally forgot about "whole foods." At first I felt pretty satisfied and didn't notice any difference in myself or how I felt. But after doing this for about 2 weeks, I started noticing that I didn't have near as much energy and my progress, physically, slowed down if not, came to a halt.

Anyone who has experienced a time of no progress or extremely slow progress when you are seemingly doing everything right, knows how frustrating this is. I was determined to figure out the problem so I really started evaluating what I was eating and what I've been doing differently. Then it hit me like a two ton brick...these sneaky little, "skinny" foods are hindering my progress!

As I said, I am embarrassed and can't believe that I let this happen to myself. I pitied all of those people who thought they were being healthy by eating those processed, diet snacks and yet, I was just like them! I can blame it on couponing, I can blame it on PMS, I can blame it on whoever and whatever I want to but in the end, the foods that I choose to put in my mouth and body are strictly my decisions and no one elses.

So I've made a promise to myself. I'm starting TODAY, not tomorrow, not Monday, not when it's convenient for me but TODAY. I'm getting rid of those foods and getting back to the healthy foods and eating that has helped me lose 24 pounds. I may eventually add these foods into my diet again, when I realize how to use them properly and not abuse them. It's all about moderation but I had no moderation. It was lots of junk and very little whole foods. That's not moderation. These snacks can be used in an effective way if you are using them sparingly, but when you start to replace natural, whole foods with this processed junk, you are bound to stop or even reverse your progress.

So I challenge you to do three things:
  • Write down what you eat for a couple of days and evaluate it. Are the majority of your foods whole or processed? Is it junk or healthy eating gold? Sometimes we grab things to eat and don't think about what's in it, what it's doing to us, etc. You can't change your eating habits if you aren't fully aware of what your putting into your body.
  • Take a look in your pantry and fridge. Are most of your food items in cans or boxes or are they fresh items such as lean meats, vegetables and fruits? If you're like me, if the bad stuff is available for you, you will more than likely eat that. Don't make yourself have to choose, just don't keep the bad stuff around.
  • Make a change. Take those "healthy" items or anything you think might delay your progress and throw it away. Make a grocery list and go and stock your pantry and fridge with items you know you will be proud of yourself for eating.

As I said, I'm starting TODAY! Most people like to say "Oh I'll do it tomorrow" and then end up never getting around to it. So I encourage you to take charge and start today...after all, there's no time like the present! :) Pin It Now!

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