Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Toned and Tight Tuesday: Dumbbell Skull Crusher

Alright...who is tired of those bat wings?! Raise your hand! Wait...don't. Those bat wings might come into action. :)

Just kidding..but seriously, you know what I'm talking about? That flab on the backside of your arm that keeps waving after your arm stopped moving? Yeah, not real cute.

Luckily, I've got a great exercise that can help you battle those bat wings!

Dumbbell Skull Crusher

Start by sitting on your stability ball and rolling out till just your shoulders, neck, and head are supported.
This could also be done on a bench or even just flat on the floor. Using the stability ball just adds a little more challenge and engages your core.

Next, take your dumbbells and extend your arms straight out above you. Be sure to keep your butt raised to form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders for the duration of the exercise.

Then, lower the dumbbells down on each side of your head till they are even with your ears. You want to make sure you are only moving your forearm in this motion. By only moving your forearm, you are forcing your triceps to engage. Allowing your whole arm to move will engage...something other than your triceps. :) Also, be sure to keep your elbows in and don't let them point out to the sides. 

Go for 10-12 reps and say adios to the bat wings!! :)

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