Saturday, August 4, 2012

Say It Do It: August

I swear it seems like I post my goals for one month and two days later the next month is already here! Obviously, that's not the case but time is just going WAY too fast!

So let's start by taking a look at my goals for last month and see how I did!

July goals:

1. Try as many new exercises as possible.

This one is fairly easy for me as I am constantly searching for my new exercises for myself and clients to keep things exciting. CHECK!

2. Become more comfortable with people at the gym

I think I might be improving on this one. Although I still have that issue with me not wanting to bother people...I guess it's just my personality. But at least people are starting to get to know me and I'm starting to get to know them :)

3. Continue to go hard on the weights.

Check on this one as well. The way I've seen my body change is crazy! I even mentioned how I should probably back on the shoulder exercises since I'm starting to look like a no-neck body builder.

4. Don't let people's comments or ignorance get to me.

This is one I struggle with...and not because I care what people think. I just treat everyone with respect and respect their decisions/goals/wants etc. I just expect the same but that is not always the case. Still a work in progress.

5. Continue to find more ways to eat vegetables.

I don't think I've found any new ways to eat vegetables...maybe I'll continue this one on to next month.

6. Sign up for a half marathon.

I haven't signed up yet but I definitely have my races planned out for the next few months! I'm so excited to get back out there!

7. Find some new ways to add some intense cardio to my workouts.

I've discovered two machines at the gym that I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with. The Stair Master and Versaclimber. I love how I feel after I get off the Stair Master...I just know I've done something great for my butt and legs! :P And since my heart rate is up and I'm usually breathing pretty hard, I know I got some great cardio in as well! If you don't know what a Versaclimber is or have never been on one, look it up and find one to try out! It is super intense! You move your arms and legs vertically at the sign time as if you were climbing (hence versaCLIMBER) It's pretty gives you landmarks to climb like Mt. Everest or the Eiffel Tower. The first time I was on there for about 2 minutes and when I got off my legs were like Jell-o!

And now for some August goals:

1. Start a training plan for my upcoming races.

I always say I'm going to follow a training plan to properly train for my races and I never end up sticking to it. I usually just come up with my own agenda and go from there. This time I hope to find one from Hal Higdon and stick to it.

2. Get back on track with my eating.

I've somewhat fell off from my really healthy eating. I guess I could blame it on the fact that I'm not in school and don't have a set schedule...or the fact that I work till 8 at night and don't have a lot of time to prepare meals...or whatever other excuse I could come up with. But truth is, there is no excuse. Healthy eating is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE! Not something that comes and goes with busy schedules or different times of the year! So I better get my butt in gear and figure it out because I refuse to go back to my old ways!

3. Get new clients at the gym.

Since I finally have my test out of the way, I feel like I will really be able to focus on just getting clients and building my reputation!

4. Eat an apple everyday.

I did do this EVERY SINGLE DAY. But of course, since school let out, I've fallen off on this too. Having an apple with my lunch every day kept me satisfied until I could get my hands on an afternoon snack. Plus, that's just another serving of fruit that I can get in without thinking about it.

5. Take more pictures of what I eat on a daily basis.

I feel like it really helps other people to be inspired and see that healthy eating doesn't have to boring when they see examples of different foods I eat and recipes I cook. I am usually just so excited about eating whatever it is, that I just dive into it and taking a picture is the last thing on my mind. (That's the fat kid coming out in my :D) So I will try to do better about taking pictures and sharing them with everyone!

6. Explore different protein shake combinations.

I drink protein shakes regularly but it is by no means an exciting event for me. I mix my powder with water and hold my nose as I chug it down. I would like to try to find other ways to drink these things and truly enjoy it since they are such a big part of my diet.

And those are my goals for August...short and sweet but yet still a lot to work on!

As always, feel free to share your goals so we can all keep each other accountable! :) Pin It Now!

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