Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Toned and Tight Tuesday: Abs Snails

If you haven't noticed from all the ab exercises I've given you, like the Side Plank with Twist or Point and Shoot Abs, I kinda have an obsession with them! Now we all know that just doing tons of abs exercises won't give you a washboard stomach, but it can definitely help you in building a strong core and building muscle(which in turn burns more body fat ;))   I still think it's fun to try lots of different ab exercises and have lots of interesting ones in my exercise arsenal, since most people have trouble thinking outside the box when it comes to working on your 6 pack.  So today, I've got yet another great exercise to really work your core! You will probably notice as you try this one out, it works out more than just your core :)

Ab Snails

Start by sitting on the floor with your legs together out in front of you, your arms by your side with your fingers pointing back. 
Keep your knees and elbows straight as you push your hips up off the floor.
From here, reverse the movement and bring your hips back down between your arms, keeping your butt off the floor, until you feel a "crunch" in your abs. 
You may then lower your butt to the sitting position you started in.
That is one rep.
Go for 10-12 reps!

For an extra challenge, try keeping your butt off the floor the entire time!
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